
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Are We Ever (Really) Done?

It occurred to me recently that my last post was almost a month ago and, if anyone is wondering, I'm still here. It was a scary week in December. When I figured out that the experience of intense discomfort in my chest, back, and left arm was from bursitis, and not from a failing heart, I felt much better.

That said, the next topic, relating to the title, has to do with the ongoing process of presenting myself to the webiverse. Has that term been coined, already? Likely. Little is truly original these days. The plaint of most creative people in a postmodern world: "It's all been done before."

How liberating that thought is, really. It frees us up to do whatever we damn-well please, without the fear of accusatory voices. For those who accuse: It's all been said, already, so go create something.

So, a new look and purpose to this blog takes shape. I will use this forum to vent, reflect, and post new developments in my life. Mostly personal stuff, with references to professional developments, occasionally, but clarifying the boundaries and keeping this primarily for me, my photography, and daily angst, triumphs, challenges. Hoping for a lot of triumphs, frankly. Squeaking by financially ... makes me want lots and lots of chocolate.

I will endeavor now, to make this a regular habit, since I've liberated myself from having to be 'professional'. I have lots of other arenas for that, believe me.

Ok. Ok. I'll list them now and get it out of my system. Really. Such a habit. Always feeling the need to promote myself. I apologize ahead of the fact.

Twitter Pro: LRFisherCreativ
Twitter Fun: LoraRFisher
and then there's my professional blog with contact info: LR Fisher Creative Consultant

Am I done, yet?

Must be time for some photos ... 
Blue Pool, Santiam River, Oregon
All photos ©2010 Lora R Fisher

  All photos ©2010 Lora RiFisher