
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Progress & The Rules Of The Game

It comes in many forms, from clearing away Thanksgiving clutter to updating web sites. The clutter is mostly cleared and so I am currently working on my 'pro' Facebook pages:


with more yet to accomplish before the day is over.

The plan: to write and post a synopsis of my areas of expertise and the services I provide, and then to send an invitation to my 800+ FB friends to ‘Like’ it. 

And, to ask that they refer me to friends and colleagues when they hear of a need for
 ultra-high quality services in the areas of:
• writing|editing
• marketing|PR programming
• exhibitions|curatorial (assignments or positions)
• gallery consultation & management
• web-site consulting
• art direction

I will happily work in-house or remotely, whichever works best for my clients.

Name of the game: 

Unabashed Self-promotion 
Rules of the game:

and most important:
Avoid Saying Anything You Will Regret Tomorrow.

That last one is nearly impossible. I say things I regret on a regular basis. 
The good news is that most people are fairly forgiving, and the ones who are not are generally kind enough not to say anything. 

To them all, I say Thank You.

So, please refer me to your friends and associates if you hear mutterings about needing a 'creative' do get something produced or to move a project forward ... I
'm your girl.

You can also find me tweeting away on Twitter and offering professional services at flairCreativ

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rethink | Revise | Redefine

I woke up knowing that today was the day to do the procrastinated:
It's time to rethink how I want to present myself to the world, what services I provide to that world, and accessibility to those services.

This, of course, entails mundane tasks such as establishing email accounts and alerting contacts to the new and better Lora R Fisher, as well as redesigning the look of this page. So far, so good. I still have plenty ahead: people to contact; accounts to add, change, and delete. The most important, however, is redefining who I am and what I do, which may take some time.

I'm wondering if I will continue to use this blog as a forum for my photography, my insights and even outrages, or if I should set up an entirely new blog for that purpose. The latter seems wise, but I will hold off on that decision until the nuts & bolts of this initial process are screwed in and tightened.

It's daunting, but I'm certain I will make my way through, with the goal for this day being to have the new framework set up and to alert my 'peeps' to the changes. 

More to come ... .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanks to those who have left comments ...

Having trouble posting my responses to the kind comments I discovered this afternoon so I will post here.

Thanks to Susan, Krislyn, and Helen. I've been preoccupied and have not checked in recently. So nice to see you here.

Helen, I do use Picassa and you're right. There's a tricky link that you have to select and insert in the post in order to make your images become a slide show. Let me know if you can't find it and I will do my best to get the information to you.

I will be using it again soon with my latest images from the coast. Hoping I can find the link once again.

Again, thanks for checking in.

Bon voyáge ... !

Backyard Tangle
©2010 LR Fisher

Friday, November 19, 2010

If Thoughts Are Things

Staying connected with friends and family; developing professional networks and building one's reputation; Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and ever-present email; computer viruses, Trojan horses, scams, and the industry built around protecting us from on-line threats: aspects of life that most of us manage daily, and which change moment to moment.

Some say that this complex platform of interconnected networks is a leap forward in human cultural and social development. Others decry our ever-increasing dependence on what is, at it's root, an artificial construct that at any moment can fail us. One good solar flair and good-bye Shanghai business deal.

The truth, as usual, is in neither of the polarities.

I appreciate the accessibility to information and speed of communications that we enjoy and find myself mightily amused by the humanity expressed in off-hand and profound ways. I'm also stunned, at times, by the chutzpah, crassness, and irascibility that frequently presents itself in this realm. The line between, as well as the definition of, good taste vs. bad is very slender, changes constantly, and is easily broken by a careless remark.

Thankfully, I've managed to surf without falling into shark-infested seas, so far. Or if I have, I've managed to get out in a hurry and with my skin intact.

Often we do not consider that we are, in essence, self-publishers with access to a forum that can be heady, self-absorbing, and fragile, and which has the power to elevate as well as destroy. It is the perfect narcissist's tool. Forever projecting onto any and all who will listen. I have found myself thankful for the 'block' option a time or two when my personal boundaries of acceptable internet decorum have been breached.

What works for one, will not for another, so I give everyone the room to either create a small heaven or dive into Internet Hell, often of their own making.

My concern is for those not fully formed; the young ones without the wisdom or guidance to fend off assaults to their fragile egos, and who are often victims of circumstance, cliques, and pure meanness. I'm grateful to those who work to protect them: the teachers, parents, social workers, and law-enforcement officials who have dedicated a good portion of their lives to being on the side of the vulnerable.

If one subscribes to the belief, substantiated by science, that "thoughts are things" and, as such, have mass and polarity, then I suggest that we all practice random thoughts, as well as acts, of kindness. Even this essay has the power to effect the layered conversation upon which most of us seem to thrive.

Simply stated: Let's use it for the good.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where Better ?

Where Better To Post My Resumé Than Here?
Now that I'm again a free-agent, having the opportunity to refresh my resumé reminds me of what I have accomplished and how much I have to offer. Not a bad thing.

Exhibitions Coordinator | Marketing Director, Print Arts Northwest, September, 2009 – November, 2010 17677 NW Springville Road, Portland, Oregon 97229
Program development, project management, and community outreach to regional businesses and galleries securing off-site exhibitions for Print Arts Northwest. Coordinated nine off-site exhibitions. Concept development and exhibition scheduling for Print Arts Northwest All-Member Show: 30 Years of Printmaking 1981 – 2011.
Marketing Director: Coordinated marketing and promotions for all exhibitions and events; developed on-line presence reaching a broad spectrum of the community to build support and awareness of PAN as an educational and professional artists’ organization.
Co-chair, Development Committee: “MonothonPDX-2010” Fundraiser & Celebration. Developed structure with committee for 3-day marathon printmaking event, exhibition, and reception; coordinated marketing and public relations; event photographer. Developed and coordinated marketing programs utilizing social media and on-line identity. Design, produce, and write copy for presentation materials; write and distribute media releases and promotional materials; art direction and copy editing for advertising.
Director, Kingstad Gallery, July, 2007 - June, 2009, 15450 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, Oregon 97006
Developed and implemented concept for a fine arts gallery featuring emerging regional and national artists. Exhibits averaged 140 works of art in 5000 square feet of exhibit space, with the full range of art media. An arts center component, featuring classes, workshops, and performing arts, was developed in collaboration with CEO in 2008. Coordinated all gallery events, developed exhibit themes, conducted calls for art, juried submissions, coordinated installations, invited featured guest artists, and directed awards programming.
Master of Ceremonies at gallery events, receptions, and awards; coordinated all events with CEO, Concierge, and staff. Directed marketing, promotions, and budget; managed communications and web site content; coordinated with media providing information on exhibits and exhibitors. Directed installations; managed volunteer staff; coordinated with Facilities Manager to ensure lighting, installation, and technical quality for all events and exhibits.
Marketing Coordinator, Computer Stores Northwest, September, 2006 - March, 2007
6077 Lakeview Boulevard, Suite A, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
Marketing Coordinator for seven retail sites and various divisions within company: concept development, art direction, and scheduling; writing and editing advertising and promotional copy. Coordinated with vendors to purchase print and production services. Distributed support materials to store managers; supervised merchandising design; coordinated installation of graphics and collateral in retail outlets.
Supervised graphics department; coordinated with division managers and CEO to develop presentation materials for seminars and events. Responsibilities included frequent travel to store sites throughout the Pacific Northwest providing support and oversight of merchandising and collateral materials.
Designed, provided production oversight, and implemented installation of a successful merchandising display solution for all seven retail sites. Developed concept for proposed remodel of flagship store; coordinated with architects, solicited bids, researched materials, and made recommendations to CEO.
Gallery Director | Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator, March, 2000 – July, 2006
Red Eagle Gallery, 1034 SW Taylor Street, Portland, Oregon 97205
Managed a fine art and craft gallery; directed the presentation and display of paintings, sculptures, and fiber arts; communicated background of artists, materials, and cultural context of artwork. Communicated product information to clients, including acquisition, origination, media, and techniques. Edited artist biographies and wrote visual analyses of artwork; occasional oral presentations and photo art direction. Negotiated and recorded sales, coordinated mailings, and tracked inventory; coordinated receptions and special events; managed client database and provided professional client services to diverse clientele. Supervised and mentored new hires.
Developed and coordinated an integrated marketing program: liaison with media services. Wrote and edited advertising copy; coordinated web site development and content. Implemented all gallery public relations and promotional campaigns; generated press releases announcing events and receptions. Developed, coordinated, and art directed advertising; coordinated with local media representatives. Developed gallery newsletter; managed all aspects of newsletter design and production, including writing and editing copy and distribution via post and electronic media. Designed and distributed presentation materials to businesses and professional organizations. Gallery representative and collaborator in a district-wide marketing campaign with retail, arts, and design businesses.
Marylhurst University, Marylhurst, Oregon, B.A., Fine Art, June, 2002  University of Oregon Continuation Center, Publications Design Certificate, Portland, Oregon, 1992 - 93
Additional ExperienceJuror, City of Tualatin, ArtSplash, 2009|Jury Committee, City of Beaverton, Mural Project, 2009Jury Committee, City of Beaverton, Permanent Collection, 2008LRF Fine Art Consulting, 2007 - 10Guest Curator, Portland City Art, Olympic Mills Commerce Center Gallery, Portland, OregonLRF Design: Graphic design and marketing consulting services, 1994 - 2000
Web Sites