
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More From Audrey Sochor

Audrey Sochor's installation
Bioluminescent Seas
opens April 15 at PAN Gallery,
Washington County Museum.

Kelp Forest
Scuba Night

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Audrey Sochor

April PAN Gallery Exhibit|Installation
Sneak Preview

Tendrils (installation)

Snorkel 4

Morning Glory 2

Kelp Forest 5

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PAN's 30-Year Anniversary

It may be too soon to mention, since PAN won't be celebrating their 30 years as a professional artists organization until next year, but it is what's on my mind, so here goes ... .

The Concept: To mount an All-Member Exhibit of over 100 original prints that will travel from venue to venue throughout the region in 2011.

I've lined up two exhibitions so far. The first: PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art) in Portland for January-February, 2011. To be followed by a May-June show in that hoppin' hub of the arts in Washington County, The Glenn & Viola Walters Cultural Center, in Hillsboro.

I will be researching other venues over the next few weeks and am hoping to land an exhibit in Bend and the southern reaches of the state.

And while I'm here ...
A brief reminder to catch James Minden's spectacular monotype collagraphs on exhibit in PAN Gallery at the Washington County Museum, PCC Rock Creek Campus.

Friday, March 19, 2010

James Minden

Exploring Variations
Recent Collograph Monoprints by James Minden

PAN's reception on 3.18.10 was so worth the time it took to get there.

The new lighting that PAN and the Washington County Museum have installed is spectacular and shows Minden's work with the clarity and brilliance it deserves.

I shared with Jim that I found striking similarities between his work and jazz: multilayered riffs, rhythms, and harmonies of color and form. Truly, fabulous!

Minden's work also felt ancient and utterly new, simultaneously. Reminiscent of cave paintings and rock art left by our forebears and mystic ancestors who were as compelled as we are today to tell the stories of their existence and to leave traces of their presence.

Make time to see this exhibit. It's worth the trip out west if you live in Portland, and should absolutely not be missed.

To see more of James Minden's artwork,
both printmaking and painting, visit his web site ...

image: Coherence 1, James Minden

Monday, March 15, 2010

Exploring Variations ... collagraph monoprints by James Minden

James Minden will have a solo show of collagraph monoprints on paper.
Exhibit opens March 18 and runs through April 12th, 2010.

Opening Reception March 18, 5:30 - 8pm
Print Arts Northwest|PAN Gallery
Washington County Museum
PCC Rock Creek Campus
17677 NW Springville Road, Portland 97229
503.645.5353 | WCM
503.525.9259 | PAN message

Coherence 6, James Minden © 2010

This body of work is my latest effort to create two-dimensional art that has been inspired by concepts of quantum physics. These works are mixed print media collagraph monoprints on paper. Each print is unique and includes combinations of elements that are used in more than one piece, creating the variations. Each print has been run through etching press four to seven times using different plates.

Acrylic collagraph plates of various texture and finish, printed using intaglio relief, plus positive monotype and retroussage, creating a complex image of diffraction patterns, lines, shapes and colors of multiple layers with endless possibilities.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Rites Of Spring ...

Rites of Spring
Elysium Welcomes PAN

March 11 – May 2, 2010
Opening reception 3/11, 5:00 – 8:00pm
Portland Millwork Gallery
29600 SW Seely Ave., Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

The harbingers of spring are cropping up all around us, with printmaking techniques being as abundant and varied as new leaves. How better to celebrate the change of the seasons than by sampling the waters from the underground stream of printmaking?

Four premiere artists from Print Arts Northwest|PAN, one of the region's longest running arts organizations, have been invited to exhibit with three outstanding printmakers from Elysium Artists, an advocacy organization for professional artists, based in Wilsonville, Oregon.

Considered by many to be an arcane branch of the fine arts, Rites of Spring offers a range of printmaking media for the connoisseur and a lively introduction to the variety of printmaking disciplines for the neophyte.

Renowned Elysium Artists members Katy McFadden, Joan Carlson, and Palmarin Merges will be joined by Leslie Cheney-Parr, Natalya Balnova, Mary Farrell, and Gordon Sherman from PAN. These seven outstanding artists will be exhibiting the range of printmaking media, from collographs to etchings and monoprints.

A printmaking demonstration by Barbara Mason, Director of Print Arts Northwest, will be presented during the opening reception.

The public is invited and the event is free. Wine and refreshments will be served. All ages welcome.

Lora R. Fisher, Exhibitions Coordinator, Print Arts Northwest|PAN
Sue Reynolds, Arts Advocate, Elysium Artists

Sponsored by Elysium Artists & Portland Millwork Gallery
29600 SW Seely Ave., Wilsonville 97070 | 503.612.6828

Information: | 503.525.9259